[Review] Skincare review - Aztec Secret Indian Healing Clay & Step by step Tutorial

Today i'm going to be talking to you about Aztec Secret, Indian Healing Clay.
This product is billed as the 'World's most powerful facial'. 
I picked this up after reading about it over on r/skincareaddiction and I was sold instantaneously.

I quit smoking at the beginning of December 2013 and i'm determined to spend 2014 getting my act into gear. Improving my make up, hair, skin and lifestyle. Aztec secret was one of my first purchases of 2014.

Here are the details

  • Product: Aztec Secret Indian Healing Clay
  • Price: £9.49

The Product

'Feel your face pulsate
Facials, acne, bodywraps, clay baths, foot soaks, chilled clay for knee packs and insect bites. Enjoy the benefits of clay in your own home. Beautify & Refresh.'

The clay comes in a powder form, and you seriously get a lot for your money. I bought a 1lb jar for £9.49 on amazon, have used it 4 times myself as well as 3 times on other people and i've barely made a dent in the jar! The powder itself is very very fine and doesn't have a particular smell. It feels like a cornflour consistency. I've read online and it also states on the packaging to mix it with Raw Unprocessed Apple Cider Vinegar. As i understand, you mix the clay with the vinegar to balance the pH and make it suitable for use on your skin.

I've bought RAW Apple Cider Vinegar (£5.09, Amazon) to use with it. Now if you're looking into doing this at home, make sure you get the right ACV. Double check to make sure you have raw unprocessed.

Everything I'm using

So Let's get started and get this stuff working, here's the list of everything you'll need.

  • Aztec Secret
  • Raw Apple Cider Vinegar
  • Non metal bowl
  • Non metal measuring spoon
  • Non metal utensil for stirring
  • Brush 
I bought the green plastic set & brush from amazon here -ttp://www.amazon.co.uk/Green-Plastic-Homemade-Facing-Brush/dp/B007ML9SLM/ref=pd_sim_beauty_3

Step by Step Guide

Measure out a tablespoon of clay

Place into your non metal bowl.

Measure out a spoonful of Apple Cider Vinegar

Add the Apple cider Vinegar to the clay. It will start to froth and sizzle.

Stir them together using a non metal spatula or spoon to make a paste!

You're aiming for cake batter consistency, so add a little extra clay or vinegar as required. This batch took around 1.5 vinegar to make a nice consistency (pictured) that is suitable for brushing. 

Scrub any make up or skin products off your face. You're going to need a completely product free face for this. No moisturiser, no primer, nuthin!

Brush the clay/vinegar mix onto your face. Be careful not to go too close to your eyes or lips as it may sting and cause watering around the eyes due to the vinegar. Aim for around 1/4 or 1/2 an inch thick.

When complete, you should look like a swamp monster!

The first time I ever used this was the first time using a face mask since my boyfriend and I moved in together. I made him wear it as well, so he couldn't laugh at my face. Fair play to him, he was a great sport, and even brushed it onto my face himself. (I think he enjoyed it!

Now you need to let this sit on your face. How long, depends on your skin type. The packaging states that for sensitive skin you should let it dry for 5-10mins before washing it off and for normal skin 15-20 minutes. After using this product a couple of times, I feel like I know how my skin works with it and I leave it on for 25 minutes.

When this product is on your face, you will feel it harden, tighten and pulsate!! Now believe me, when i say this product hardens & tightens, it really does. It gets to the stage where you can't move your lips! It's such an odd sensation and not one I can say i've ever felt before. Try your best not to talk, move your face or laugh when it's on as it will crack. (I swear my boyfriend does his best to make me laugh when this stuff is on my face!)

25 minutes later, my face looks like this!

Now it's time to wash that clay off! 

I have to say, i find it the easiest to wash it off in the shower for 2 reasons.
  •  1 It stops you scrubbing at it with a washcloth for endless minutes.
  • 2. As it's clay, it can clog your water pipes, so it's best to flush it out with lots of water, making the shower the perfect place to do this. 
My usual routine for washing this off is I make sure to get my face under the shower head and rub gently, it will just fall away. After it has all washed off, i then use my normal face wash - Olay Gentle Face Scrub to make sure it's all off my face.

The Final Step!

Finally, pat your face dry and moisturise. I've used my current go to moisturiser - Nivea Cream.

Now my skin has gone pretty red. This is completely normal, so don't panic or freak out if it happens to you! I worry that I haven't made my mix correctly if my skin doesn't go red. As i understand it goes red as it's bringing all the blood to the surface of your face. Redness does go down in around 30-60 minutes.. so maybe it's best to save this for a pyjama night in and not when you have a hot date 10 minutes later...

My Final Thoughts

I love this product. Love it. I notice a difference almost straight away after using it. All the pesky sebaceous filaments on my nose seem to vanish and if there are any black/white heads on my skin they often come to a head and extract straight away. I really do rate this product and i'm going to carry on using it. I've noticed my skin has become clearer by using it once a week and i'm not going to be stopping any time soon. So if you're looking for a new face mask or fancy pampering yourself at home, have a look into Aztec Secret because I think it's worth every penny.

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