Foundations for Pale Skin: Pale Test #2 - Rimmel Match Perfection 100 IVORY

Rimmel Match Perfection foundation Shade 100 Ivory pale skin my pale skin

Rimmel Match Perfection foundation Shade 100 Ivory pale skin my pale skin  swatch

swatch Rimmel Match Perfection foundation Shade 100 Ivory pale skin my pale skin

I get asked on an almost daily basis which foundations are the best for pale skin tones, and this series is going to explore all different types of foundations from varying brands and at all price levels which will hopefully help you to make a decision on which foundation is right for you! 

In universal skin tone terms.. I'm an NC15 in Mac. However, Mac isn't really doing it for me foundation wise at the moment, so i'm on the hunt for a replacement that will be the perefect foundation for My Pale Skin. 

Product:  Rimmel Match Perfection is a product I often see popping up on various blogs.  Famed for its dewy and radiant effect it gives to skin, It was one I was very much looking forward to trying. I chose the  shade that was available in my local Boots 100 - Ivory.

Packaging:  The foundation comes in a a sturdy glass tube, It's fairly tall,  so if you have a small make up bag for your handbag it may not fit in there, just as a word of warning. The bottle has a pump applicator which is a good start, although the lid isn't the greatest, as it just pops on or off, so it's likely to come undone easily if it's loose in your bag. 

Coverage: It's a light to medium coverage foundation that is actually fairly runny when it pumps out of the tube. Be careful with that... I only wanted a small drop in my picture, instead I ended up with a lake.

Finish: I'd say the foundation leaves a dewy finish on my combo skin.

Colour:  Well, I don't know about you, but the only place i'd wear this foundation is to the bathroom... to wash it off. 
It's so unsuitable It hasn't actually made it onto my face. Why it's called Ivory I don't know... I'd class this more as a natural beige or a beige. 

Final Verdict:  I think it's safe to say that no further tests are needed on the Rimmel Match Perfection foundation. It has FAILED the pale test... miserably... without a shadow of a doubt.  At least it was only £6.99, it could have been a lot worse...

As Always, I'd love to hear your thoughts on this foundation or what you'd like me to try next, let me know in the comments. xxx

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