How To Take The First Step Towards Self Improvement...

You know that list, that's stored away in the back of your brain, where you mentally take notes and ensure to criticize yourself about the items on said list on a weekly, if not daily basis... You know the list i'm talking about? 

Well, I actually decided to do something about it, and today I made a positive step to crossing things off said list. You see, I've always had a thing about my teeth... I'm an ex smoker, and my teeth wear the stains to prove it. It never used to bother me, that was until mean spirited comments from two separate people on separate occasions crept into my brain and made me begin to hate my teeth. 

The silly thing is, I let said comments seep into my mind and that made me hate smiling, I learnt to cover my teeth to hide them, to not feel ashamed, embarrassed or have more mean comments directed at me. 

I always felt like there was an excuse for not making a positive change, be it lack of time, lack of money, or lack of knowledge on how to really take that first step and go for it, when it hit me...

I could easily justify spending money on clothes, make up I didn't need, or spontaneous impulse purchases, yet I always had an excuse or a reason I couldn't spend the same amount or take the leap and make a positive change - and I'm not just talking about the colour of my nail polish... but a truly positive change that will help me move forward to being the person I want to be.

For some reason, today it clicked, and in a moment of motivation I decided to take control, and stop hiding behind reasons on why I can't do something and start looking for reasons on why I can.
And then it happened... I made the decision to purchase some Crest White Strips in the hopes of reaching my dream smile. 

I found my motivation, now it's time to find yours! So step forward and ditch the reasons you can't do something as now is the time to start searching for the reasons on why you can! You may even surprise yourself with the results.

I'd love to hear what positive steps and changes you're going to make to your life! Let me know in the comments... 
Em xxx

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