Dealing with Hate and Criticism

It doesn't matter who you are, or what you do in life, it's inevitable that people will hate you. And I know that sounds harsh and unfair.. but it's true. I always grew up understanding that fact and knowing that not everybody will be nice, friendly or kind towards me. I built a mental defense and barrier to keep negativity out of my mind... although often sadly at the expense of keeping positivity away too.

As I got older, and after having some horrible life experiences thrown at me, I adapted and did my best to try and move on. I guess I built a mind frame of expecting negativity as I'd much rather be pleasantly surprised than disappointed... I had it in my head that if you constantly expect the worst, then it makes the good times better...

However, what changed that mind frame for me, is blogging. It has truly given me a new lease of life and helped lift my confidence and spirits and in the 9 months I've been blogging... I've been lucky to only be see the positive side of the community and feel nothing but warmth...

That was, until I was messaged a link to a page with hundreds of comments tearing me apart. And as much as I'd love to say that it didn't bother me, that I laughed it off... and carried on... it got to me.
It took me to a place I didn't want to go and i've struggled to look at my blog all week because of it.

I work full time, and put in every spare minute into my blog. It has beome a part of me and as it grows, I'm growing with it. It makes me sad to think that I let insignificant people get to me, and missed posting because of it. When I started My Pale Skin, I didn't start it as a place to have a 'pale pissing contest' or claim to be the 'most pale girl' in the world and as dumb as that sounds...some people take great pride in themselves to try and argue how pale they are in comparison to me... which is quite frankly ridiculous.

I started this blog as a place where I'd like to become confident in my own skin - physically and mentally. A place where we enhance ourselves, rather than mask it with tan and fakery... and a place to share tips on what is working for me. This blog is a place of honesty.. where it's okay to have a bad day and it doesn't matter if you don't have perfect skin.. or perfect hair. This is a place where I can just be me.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that, this blog is a big learning curve for me and one which I adore writing... and having let some bullies get to me this week and miss a few days posting... I apologize.

So welcome to November, where I'm aiming to post 5 blog posts and 1 video per week... and work on my self confidence. Although we cant change other people, we can change ourselves and I'm going to do my best to make this month a good one.

Thanks for reading. 
Em xxx 

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