Bourjois Nail Polish Remover, Hands & Feet Review!

Bourjois Nail Polish Remover Hands and feet review my pale skin

Bourjois Nail Polish Remover Hands and feet review my pale skin

I admit it. I'm a rubbish girl. My bag is full of junk and my nail polish is often chipped. So when a product such as the Bourjois Nail Polish remover for Hands & Feet* comes along, I feel like I know 'how to girl' again. 

When you live a busy life, or what I usually refer to as 'lack of life' constantly trying to juggle working a full time job as well as blogging consistently, managing your social media profiles and giving the time and effort deserved to those all important offline relationships with a boyfriend, family and if you have many left, friends -  one of the first things that can slack for me anyway, are my nails. 

I go through stages of painting my nails multiple times a week, to not wearing polish for months simply because of the chips that occur so easily and out of my sheer laziness, the effort that it takes to remove the polish as well as the slightly fragile nails that I find nail varnish remover leaves behind.

Bourjois have introduced a product that relieves so many of the factors that makes me loathe painted nails sometimes. The main bottle is filled with a sponge that you can dip your finger into. I like to use the erm, dip and twist method. That usually works for me and takes my nail varnish off so easily. However, they've also introduced the much needed Foot sponge! A small sponge fixed to the lid of the product which can be used as a handy sponge to remove any pedi polish and also stops you trying to shove your toes into the main pot... yeah, don't do that... It hurts.

The Bourois Nail Polish Remover* is one of those unexpected great products that actually works incredibly well. It doesn't have that nasty nail polish smell, and it doesn't make my nails feel like they've been soaked in paint stripper and brittle. It's a new firm favourite and because of it, I can look forward to painting my nails again. 

How do you remove your nail polish? Let me know in the comments xxx

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